Tcorr Inspection understands the importance of meeting a client’s statutory and regulatory requirements and is committed to providing clients with a high standard of service. We operate in accordance with our accreditation for AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.
It is the policy of Tcorr Inspection, as far as is practicable, to meet the quality needs and expectations of our clients in all our work.
Tcorr Inspection aims to go above and beyond in achieving the following company specific objectives:
- Create a clear line of communication between Tcorr Inspection employees and clients’ representatives.
- Ensure Tcorr Inspection policies are implemented and reflected in work practice.
- Improve the implementation of work procedures.
- Sensitive project worksites – where projects are significant in size, develop Tcorr Inspection workforce as a whole to accommodate and adapt to project requirements.
- Tighter control and tracking of expenditure.
- Control and successful implementation of Tcorr Inspection Quality Assurance systems.
Policy Plan Identification Number 20130704PL00001.
OH&S is an important part of Tcorr Inspection’s inhouse culture and Tcorr Inspection is committed to observing, implementing and maintaining a high standard of Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace in accordance with AS/NZS 4801 OH&S Management Systems.
All workers have a part to play in ensuring people are safe at their place of employment. National research shows that more Australians die as a result of workplace related injury and illness than on our roads. Work related deaths, injuries and illness impact on the country as a whole and so it is in everybody’s interest to improve health and safety performance.
Tcorr Inspection is concerned with demonstrating sound environmental practises by controlling the impact of our activities within the environment in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems.
It is the policy of Tcorr Inspection to undertake its business operations in a manner that recognises the importance of environmental protection and sustainability and meet the expectations of our clients and the broader community in any company activity. Tcorr Inspection management and its employees are committed to ensuring that its operations and work methods have the minimum effect on the environment.
Recognising that industry operations have the potential to significantly alter the environment, Tcorr Inspection will ensure that its operations and work methods are controlled and continually improved to ensure prevention of pollution and through a responsible approach and compliance with all legislative requirements.
Controls are implemented at all levels, and are documented and maintained. This is achieved not only by ensuring compliance with the Environmental Management System, but also by creating ownership of responsibility by all individuals through training, monitoring, review and feedback, such that consideration of the environment is included as a normal part of decision making in the workplace.
Tcorr Inspection project management and team leaders shall consider specific aspects of individual projects where inspection operations could significantly affect the environment, and also shall cover the normal operations in order to comply with principles of sustainable development.
Tcorr Inspection shall work towards improving and broadening its approach to responsible environmental management and shall foster this attitude with our staff, suppliers and subcontractors.
The Tcorr Inspection Environmental Policy is available on request.
The role of the Tcorr Inspection risk management procedure is to provide staff with guidance in how to apply consistent and comprehensive risk management. This procedure provides information on how to identify, analyse, evaluate and treat risks. In addition, it identifies other key activities needed for an effective risk management approach. The risk management process contained in our procedure aligns with the Australian Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO 31000 : 2009).
Risk is the chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives. It is important that we manage our risks in order that the negative impact of risks upon achievement of our objectives is minimised and our ability to realise potential opportunities is maximised.
Tcorr Inspection has a number of policies in place and are available on request, including an Indigenous Opportunities Policy.